Tagged: p2 legal

Beef & Faux-Tato Soup

Beef & Faux-Tato Soup

Brrrr, it’s cold outside!

A lot of the country is surrounded by cold … and what is better than to warm yourself up from the inside out?

When you are on P2, the body tends to react to cold a little bit differently than when you are eating normal maintenance.  Most seem to stay cold, so warm foods are just the ticket.

I know my favorite go to soups/stews are those with beef and tomatoes.  They just seem to create a hearty and satiating meal that warms me up inside.  This soup adds radishes to act like a potato … and if you […]


Chicken Taco Salad

Chicken Taco Salad

This recipe is for P2, or if you are on the Mix It Up Experiment, it can be for Stage 1 or 3 (add sour cream) … it’s a variation of the recipe for Taco Salad.

Salads are one of my mainstays while on P2 … they are so portable … don’t need any heating up, and you can make it ahead of time (night before) and throw it in a cooler when you are ready to go.

I have gotten into the habit lately of chopping a lot of salad veggies and […]


Sweet Potato Chips

Sweet Potato Chips

Ah, the joys of sweet potatoes!

Let me share some facts with you:

Sweet potatoes are high in Beta Carotene and vitamins E and C.  They are a good source of fiber when eaten with the skin on.  They are an excellent source of copper, manganese, potassium, iron and vitamin B-6.

Sweet potatoes are a superfood and they taste great!  They go with almost anything; poultry, pork, beef, lamb or seafood.  They can also be substituted in virtually any recipe that calls for apples, squash or white potatoes.

Sweet Potatoes made the Clean 15, which means your potential exposure to toxins is […]


Roasted Cabbage Steaks

Roasted Cabbage Steaks

Roasted veggies … yum.

What is it about roasted veggies that make them so delectable?  Everyone probably already has their favorite way to roast veggies, so why bring another recipe into the mix?

Well, we have a niche here with the hCG Protocol.  Most people consider the diet to be boring, and I am here to tell you that this just isn’t true.  There is so much you can do to kick food up several notches so that P2 can be exciting and delicious.  Far from boring.

Roasting your veggies is a great way to bring out the sweet that is trapped inside […]


Baked Apple Crisp

Baked Apple Crisp

I have self control around desserts.  It’s a blessing, I know.  It helps that I don’t bake much, baking has never been my thing.  However there are some things that are sweet that I do tend to devour, and anything with baked apples is one of those things.  ::giggle::

When you are on P2, sometimes you need something that feels decadent … this is one of those things.  Let’s add that it’s gluten-free as well, so there is another plus.  And this isn’t one of those really good for gluten free things, it’s really good!

During the cold winter months, who doesn’t […]


Who Knew This About Zucchini?

Who Knew This About Zucchini?

I love it when my clients make me do research.


The more a client is vocal with me, asking me questions, testing my knowledge, the more we both learn.

This morning a client asked me:

Can I do zucchini with my steak (day)? We have a ton coming from our garden right now.

Believe it or not, no one has ever asked me that before!

As is my way, I started to research, and what I found out was pretty darn awesome!

When I create a correction day, I take a lot of different things into consideration.  For a steak or salmon day, there are two […]


Recipe: Broccoli Crunch

Recipe: Broccoli Crunch

I am going to start this recipe off with a warning.


That is all.  ::giggle::

But seriously.

If you are going to make these for P2, keep in mind that if you choose to eat the entire recipe, it will take up 1/3 of your allowed calories using The Biz Buzz Method (The First Step).  But oh my goodness, is it worth it!

There are two tricks with this particular recipe.

One is to make sure each and every piece is small (like the piece on the right of the picture) – the smaller they are, the more crunchy it gets, and then […]


Recipe: Easy Peasy Roast Beef

Recipe: Easy Peasy Roast Beef

Who doesn’t like roast Beef?

Sometimes on P2 we get the idea that food has to be bland and not interesting.  Why deprive yourself of a great tasting meal just because you are on P2?

Like the title says, this is easy peasy, and depending on what cut of beef you use, can be quick (some cuts might require more time simmering).

You can even cook this ahead and freeze in appropriate portions, and grab and go!  If you are looking for a place to fit some clean fats in, then a dollop of sour cream will go nicely with this.  Yum!


Easy […]
