Tagged: p3 legal

Mexican Pizza Dip

Mexican Pizza Dip

Back when I was married to my baby girl’s father, we found ourselves in Florence, SC for a long weekend to attend a convention.  This was MANY moons ago, in fact, I think my baby girl was probably a little more than a year old, so maybe about 15 years ago.

Her dad and I were not run of the mill restaurant goers, we always liked to find the hole in the wall places … the places only the locals knew.  We would ask the people at the hotel where THEY went to eat, and most of the time we found […]


Kalua Pork and Cabbage

Kalua Pork and Cabbage

A visit to Hawaii is not complete unless you have a meal of Kalua Pork.

Kalua literally means to cook in an underground oven.

The Hawaiians loved cooking in the ground … they would build a fire using kiawe (mesquite) wood in a dirt pit called an imu.  This pit was usually about 6 feet long, 4 feet wide and 3 feet deep.  The pit would be lined with rocks and vegetation, then the meat would be salted and placed on that, then more rocks and vegetation and then covered with wet burlap and then sand/soil.  Then you left it alone and […]


Who Knew This About Zucchini?

Who Knew This About Zucchini?

I love it when my clients make me do research.


The more a client is vocal with me, asking me questions, testing my knowledge, the more we both learn.

This morning a client asked me:

Can I do zucchini with my steak (day)? We have a ton coming from our garden right now.

Believe it or not, no one has ever asked me that before!

As is my way, I started to research, and what I found out was pretty darn awesome!

When I create a correction day, I take a lot of different things into consideration.  For a steak or salmon day, there are two […]


Recipe: Cheesecake in a Mug

Recipe: Cheesecake in a Mug

Do you ever get those temptations to have something sweet, but you just don’t want to make a whole batch of something because you don’t want it sitting in your kitchen screaming your name all week?


Well, I get that way sometimes.  HA!

My daughter has been finding all these recipes online recently about something-in-a-mug.  One serving of something, and one serving only.

I thought to myself, what an ingenious idea!  Let me create some P3 friendly recipes like that!

Once you make this, you can garnish it with almost anything you want, I chose pecans and strawberries, only because they are two of […]


Recipe: Poppy Chicken Dip

Recipe: Poppy Chicken Dip

Sports parties.

They are all over the place come January.

You need something simple, and legal, yet delicious to take so that you don’t go backwards on all the progress you made during the proceeding weeks getting all that holiday weight back off.


But seriously.  This stuff is good.  Very simple to make, very tasty, and if you don’t make a double recipe, you are going to be very sorry because you will have nothing left for yourself.  HA!

I seriously love me some of those mini peppers, and I find the sweet crunch of the peppers blends nicely with the salty and creaminess […]


Support: 9 Great Tips for a Successful P3

Support: 9 Great Tips for a Successful P3

For some of you that are new to the hCG Protocol, Phase 3 scares the LIFE out of you! No need to be scared. Just like with P2, preparation is the key – these tips will help you focus on your needs to your upcoming break. Make the most of it!

Tip #1 – Remember Your Body is Different Now

Every Phase 3 is different. Just because you did very well on one break does not mean that you will do very well on a subsequent one. Just a 5 – 10% loss of total body weight will […]


Recipe: Avocado Peach Salsa

Recipe: Avocado Peach Salsa

Who would have thunk that avocados and peaches would just naturally fit together to make an incredible taste?

Salsa’s a perfect accompaniment to almost any meal, however this sweet and spicy concoction goes best with fish (salmon) or chicken, and grilled preferred.  Quick, there is only a few days left of summer!

Did you know that salsa is Spanish for sauce, usually based in tomatoes.  This however doesn’t have any tomatoes to be found!  I don’t care.  HA!  It’s delish no matter what you call it.


Avocado Peach Salsa
2 servings

10 minutes prep
20 minutes start to finish

1 peach, diced
1 avocado, diced
1 jalapeño, seeded and […]


Recipe: Yummy Berry Muffins (Dairy and Gluten Free)

Recipe:  Yummy Berry Muffins (Dairy and Gluten Free)

Posted this recipe on my Facebook page the other day, promising to post it that day and I never did, sorry about that.

These are yummy, just like the title says.  I made them with strawberries, but you can make them with any berry and it still be good.


Yummy Berry Muffins (Dairy and Gluten Free)
6 servings

40 minutes start to finish

1 ripe bananas, mashed
2 eggs
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/2 tbsp honey
1/4 cup coconut flour
1/8 tsp sea salt
1/8 tsp baking soda
1/8 tsp baking powder
2 tbsp coconut oil, melted
2 oz berries of any sort (small bite size pieces)

Preheat oven to 350.

Line a muffin pan […]
