Support: Boot Camp Testimonials

Boot CampBoot Camp has been helping hundreds of people since March of 2008 (has it really been almost 5 years???).

In honor of our 5th Anniversary coming up, we are offering a special “get acquainted” special. Come and give us a try for just $9.95 for 30 days. You are under no obligation to continue, but it will give you a taste of what Boot Camp is all about. Just look at what members have been saying:

Boot Camp has really been a great help for me on my journey to the new, skinnier me! I love all the feedback and suggestions from the pros! Being a part of Boot Camp, you are the first to learn about new ideas and the latest research on how to have the most success possible in losing weight. I highly recommend signing up forBoot Camp and making the commitment to yourself! After all, you are worth it! ~ Shrimpo

I am one of those people that need a daily affirmation to know what I am doing wrong or right and how to fix it if it’s broken. Boot Camp does this for me. It helps me have some control over the direction my diet takes. I can’t imagine doing this on my own and sticking to it. Thank you, Boot Camp!!! ~ Joan

I was so confused and frazzled when I started P3 during my first round. I was doing a steak day every couple of days. Once I started working with [Boot Camp], I stabilized immediately and did not have to do a steak day for the rest of my P3. I am at the end of my 2nd P3 now and stabilized from the beginning. It has been great! ~ Kesu

Everyone who assists in Boot Camp is so helpful and genuine. I know I do much better at stabilizing when I fully participate in Boot Camp than when I think I can do it on my own. ~ Tracy

Boot Camp is a godsend as is everyone on this site. It helps me to stay on point … I don’t think I would be succeeding as well as I have if it weren’t for Boot Camp. ~ Lisa

Thank you Biz and all the mentors here at HTA that help in Boot Camp. HTA and Boot Camp are wonderful tools that have helped me stay on course. With these tools I am going to succeed. ~ Heather

This is just a sampling of what members have said about their experience in Boot Camp. For more information, go here.  If you are sold, then you can sign up by clicking below.  Give it a shot for 30 days…

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6 Comments on Support: Boot Camp Testimonials

  1. benzmama says:

    Would love to give boot camp a “try” but i’m on ph2 right now. Can I sign up for the “trial” and not have it start till I’ve completed my phase 2 or should i just wait.

    Would love to be able to have that 30 day trial …..would be so much fun to be able to do when i start ph3!


    • Biz says:

      I should have mentioned in the article that Boot Camp is for ALL phases of the protocol, Phase 2, 3 and 4, so you should be good to go. I am running the special until next Thursday so you can make a decision between then and now.

  2. benzmama says:

    Biz….Years ago a kid i knew that became a doctor had lost alot of weight. He said i can tell you exactly what i did and actually tell my patients do this also. You can eat as much cream cheese and macadamias as you want for as many days as you want and you’ll drop. I’m wondering……could that be a correction day on phase 3 for us. sounds logical to me but i dont have the background and research you do….so…..what you think?

    • Biz says:


      Dr Atkins did something so similar to that and called it “The Fat Fast”, and yes, it works, but I tell you, it’s as boring as heck. It’s hard for people to stay on something that is boring.

      My BDCDE (in the ACD eBook) was sort of discovered with me trying The Fat Fast as a correction of sorts.

      So yeah, it can work. But if you are anything like me, you need variety!

  3. anita says:

    HI Biz
    do you have enough recipes or correction days for the P3 ers who are can not do dairy and nuts?

    • Biz says:

      Sorry Anita, just seeing this now, I don’t know how I missed it, ugh.

      It’s hard to do high fat (which most CD’s are) that don’t include dairy or nuts. The egg day is one. And I do have a high fat day in the ACD eBook that is a non-dairy, but not non-nut, but nuts are easy enough to sub. Can you have seeds? Like sunflower or pumpkin? Those can sub well.

      The steak day is non-dairy as well as the salmon day. The Get Naked Day is relatively non-dairy, so there is a few right there?

      You can always sub coconut milk or almond milk for any type of cream.

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