Yearly Archives: 2016

Success: Tonya

Success: Tonya

Before working one on one with Biz, I lost weight with original protocol easily, but struggled to get through the days without feeling very deprived by the end of my rounds. This always set me up for failure in P3 & P4. I didn’t have the tools or the mind set to be able to keep the weight off long term.

Biz is truly a blessing. I have learned so much from her through my daily check in. Biz has been very supportive, and always offers helpful suggestions along the way. I’m so thankful to have her by my side in […]


Success: Diane (Updated)

Success: Diane (Updated)

I’ve lost weight before….several times actually. My focus was always an upcoming wedding, or event, or some deadline date by which I felt like I needed to lose weight.  I lost weight, then would regain it quickly. I repeated that cycle over and over. This time, after a year of feeling sick and overwhelmed and stressed and very, very tired, I decided to make a big lifestyle change and instead, focus on my health.  But this time, the weight loss is secondary. I feel healthier than I ever have in my life and I’m about to turn 40 this year.

Working […]


Conquer Negativity and Stay Inspired

Conquer Negativity and Stay Inspired

Dwelling on the negative simply contributes to its power. ~ Shirley MacLaine

Staying inspired requires doing one’s best and avoiding negativity.  When our focal point is unhappy things, they only seem to multiply squeezing out inspiration. Finding or unearthing the good in a situation or circumstance takes work and is an art form.

Negativity surfaces in many forms. Sometimes people we are close to see every inconvenience as a crisis. At times trying to share inspiration and joy with someone results with them wanting to shut you down and then their proceeding to complain about life. Similarly, you may endeavor to look at the […]


Shoot for Long Term, Focus on Short Term

Shoot for Long Term, Focus on Short Term

Goals are a means to an end, not the ultimate purpose of our lives. They are simply a tool to concentrate our focus and move us in a direction. The only reason we really pursue goals is to cause ourselves to expand and grow. Achieving goals by themselves will never make us happy in the long term; it’s who you become, as you overcome the obstacles necessary to achieve your goals, that can give you the deepest and most long-lasting sense of fulfillment. ~ Anthony Robbins

What I like most from the quote above is — achieving goals isn’t what makes […]


Alone Again, Naturally

Alone Again, Naturally

If you can pick it, pluck it, milk it, or shoot it, you can eat it.  ~ Suzanne Somers

It is troubling to me when I hear something like this:

I think the most discouraging thing with Dr. Simeons’ theory is when he says you can go back to normal eating and still hold your weight does not seem to work out very well.

And yes, that is an actual client quote.

First, this person was correct. However, before starting to doubt the process, consider this:

Yes, it was Dr. Simeons’ “theory” that after the protocol it was feasible to return to “normal” eating. Remember, a […]


Almost Everything You Need to Know About Probiotics and Prebiotics

Almost Everything You Need to Know About Probiotics and Prebiotics

Education is learning what you didn’t even know you didn’t know. ~ Daniel Boorstin

Just a decade ago, the words probiotics and were rare.  By now, while most have heard the words; all they really know is it has something to do with gut health.

Gut health.

Who knew digestion of food, our basic energy source, would be the prime focus in the total health world today?  More and more science is saying digestion, and in conjunction, elimination, are two of the most important body systems we can work on to achieve optimal health.

So what are probiotics and prebiotics and how can […]


Are You Running on Empty?

Are You Running on Empty?

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. ~ Unknown

Do you remember vehicles with a “reserve” tank? If you were running out of gas, it took a simple switch from the main tank fuel supply to the alternate or reserve tank.

With the next fill up, sometimes closing off that reserve tank was forgotten. The next time you ran out of fuel; it was all tapped out.

Running on empty is exactly what most of us have been doing to our bodies.

Total Body Health, to me, is the most prized […]


Success: Jolene

Success: Jolene

Biz has helped me love and accept my body.

Before committing to Biz’s 1:1 services, I simply didn’t get results.  I didn’t have the discipline, accountability, motivation or knowledge that I needed to succeed.  Even though I was eating clean I couldn’t lose weight to save my life!  I’ve tried every diet known to man since I was 14 years old and never been this on track and really this confident about my bodies ability to heal and release the weight. I can’t thank Biz enough for that. Before Biz, Lyme disease had me convinced that I would have to live the rest of my […]
