
Support: Gratitude

Support: Gratitude

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow. ~ Melody Beattie

This quote is another way of saying that when life hands you lemons, be grateful you have them. Then go make lemonade!

It is interesting how many coaches, motivational speakers, historical personalities and the like include GRATITUDE in their […]


Support: Transform Your Thinking

Support: Transform Your Thinking

Resentment or grudges do no harm to the person against whom you hold these feelings but every day and every night of your life, they are eating at you. ~ Norman Vincent Peale

Getting a hold of our emotions is a huge part of the self-growth process. A good many of us might believe, or have believed, that we are not in control of our emotions at all.

That is far from the truth.

There is a way to transform your thoughts (emotions) so that they can better serve you and your purpose:

Step 1:  Be Aware of It

First, you must recognize the emotion. […]


Recipe: Apple and Cottage Cheese Delight

Recipe: Apple and Cottage Cheese Delight

Yum to cottage cheese!

It wasn’t until my 4th round that I actually tried cottage cheese for P2.  Sure, I read like everyone else that cottage cheese was allowed, however, I never ever thought it would be satiating enough to feel like a real meal.  I mean, come on, we are only allowed 500 calories in a day and why would I want to waste it on such a small amount of food?

What I didn’t realize until I tried it is that it’s more satiating than you can imagine.

Dr. Simeons recommends using non-fat cottage cheese, […]


Recipe: Stuffed Mushrooms with Creamed Chicken

Recipe: Stuffed Mushrooms with Creamed Chicken

Mushroom and cream go together like peas and carrots. ::giggle::

But seriously, mushrooms are delectable with any sort of creamy concoction, and this recipe is no exception!

I have to admit something … when I tested this recipe, these were great hot, but they were also delicious COLD!  So it’s a great make ahead and take with you on the go type of meal, and it’s really incredible how satiating just a serving of these are!

I use canned chicken with this recipe.  I happen to be able to get a brand of canned chicken at my local WinnDixie that is […]


Recipe: P2 Blueberry Smoothie

Recipe: P2 Blueberry Smoothie

I seriously need to write an article about how rogue I am when I coach about P2.

It would be so incredibly awesome to have some sort of disclaimer that I can just link that says “click here to understand why sometimes I go outside the box when it comes to P2”.

Then I wouldn’t have to explain every time I posted a recipe like this. ::giggle::

To be fair however, let me explain why I allow blueberries on P2.  Over the years I have worked with hundreds (dare I say thousands?) of people through the Happily Thinner After Community Forums and more […]


Support: Savor the Moment

Support: Savor the Moment

Sometimes we spend so much time rehashing the past or preparing for the future that we forget to savor the present moment.

Learning how to stay in the present is so important.  Anticipating a future event is exciting, but the most treasured times are when we live fully in the moment.  Often the most memorable experiences are those unplanned moments that catch you OFF GUARD.

There is a saying I use quite often: “This is how memories are made.”

Often, it takes something out of the ordinary to make a solid impression on us. When something occurs that’s different from our day-to-day routine, […]


Recipe: Pumpkin Spice Latte

Recipe: Pumpkin Spice Latte

One of my very first experiences with Starbucks was my introduction to the Pumpkin Spice Latte.

I was out with a group of friends and it was a particularly cold day in December in Charleston, SC and the group wanted to stop at Starbucks. At the time, I was against anything having to do with SB cause I thought it was a waste of peoples money. Way too expensive, and really, what was the use. Coffee is coffee.

Boy, was I wrong. ::giggle::

What they neglected to tell me at the time was that it was a “seasonal” thing. Ok, sure, I […]


hCG Success: Dede

hCG Success: Dede

Biz’s coaching advice and friendship are priceless!!!

What was it like before you used Biz’s One-on-One coaching services?

Before the one-on-one I struggled a bit. For me, the accountability of having to email or check in daily really helped me stay on track!

What has it been like working one-on-one with Biz?

REALLY? It’s been FREAKIN’ amazing!  It’s like having your mentor, best friend there right by my side..DAILY! I especially like the non-judgmental responses..and how she gets to the bottom of everything!

Do you have specific results from working with Biz?

Yeah..getting back down to goal (I will get there this round!) or close to […]
