Tagged: hcg

Cranberry Salsa

Cranberry Salsa

Cranberries … they are usually only associated with holidays.  Sad really, because they are slightly divine.  Especially raw and not adulterated with all sorts of unknown sugars and processing that you find in a can of cranberry sauce.  ::giggle::

Here are some fun cranberry facts:

  • The cranberry is one of only a handful of major fruits native to North America.
  • Native Americans used cranberries to make a survival cake known as pemmican. They also used the fruit in poultices and dyes.
  • American recipes containing cranberries date from the early 18th Century.
  • During World War II, American troops required about one million pounds of dehydrated cranberries […]


Make a Decision!

Make a Decision!

The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: decide what you want. ~ Ben Stein

Have you ever made a decision that quite literally changed your life?

A while back, I had a conversation with one of my clients in regards to a decision she made that changed her life in less than 6 months. The decision was quite simple really. It was whether or not to take a call from a business coach.

That one decision was monumental, however, because it said to the Universe that she was ready to invest in herself.

It got […]


Support: In the Zone

Support: In the Zone

Techniques for getting in the zone differ a little bit depending on whether it’s a team or an individual sport. Nevertheless, there are some core techniques that everyone can use. ~ Aynsley M. Smith

The phrase “In the Zone” is often used when people talk about the skills of pro athletes who make their feats look effortless. It’s also used when people talk about weight loss that seems to happen like magic.

But, what does “being in the zone” mean exactly?

When a person is in the zone, they are in that magical space where the mind and body are in sync. It’s […]


Support: Stalls Happen and What to Do About Them

Support: Stalls Happen and What to Do About Them

I am going to talk about stalls that happen on Phase 2 of The hCG Protocol.

Yup, stalls happen.  Nothing could be more frustrating than being on a very restrictive diet, doing everything right, and then to be at the same weight for 3 or 4 days in a row.  Bah humbug!

The first thing you need to realize is that you are not alone.  Everyone I have ever coached using The hCG Protocol for weight loss has had to deal with a stall at one point or another.  During Dr. Simeons extensive testing period, in which he penned his manuscript More