Yearly Archives: 2013

Recipe: Spinach Balls – Gluten Free!

Recipe: Spinach Balls – Gluten Free!

Spinach is so utterly versatile, don’t you think?

You can do so many things with it, but I gotta tell you that Spinach Balls are something I have missed for what seems like decades.  They are utterly delish, and I could never ever contain myself around them.  Little did I know back then it was because of the wheat!

So, I was experimenting with nut flours the other day, and I don’t know what made me think about it, but I thought to myself, would a nut flour work for spinach balls instead of that herbed dressing that shall remain nameless.  So […]


Recipe: Mini Stuffed Peppers with Feta and Bacon

Recipe: Mini Stuffed Peppers with Feta and Bacon

Earlier this week I was caught without groceries, don’t you hate when that happens?  You have to get creative, especially when you don’t like grocery shopping as it stands.  HA!

These were really delish, and I have to say I prefer them cold as an appetizer rather than a meal (which is how I ate them!) – so this would be a great dish to take to a gathering.

The recipe calls for using frozen chopped spinach, but I had a bag of spinach that needed to be used up, so I chopped that up instead.

Mini Peppers Stuffed with Feta and […]


Support: Boot Camp Testimonials

Support: Boot Camp Testimonials

Boot Camp has been helping hundreds of people since March of 2008 (has it really been almost 5 years???).

In honor of our 5th Anniversary coming up, we are offering a special “get acquainted” special. Come and give us a try for just $9.95 for 30 days. You are under no obligation to continue, but it will give you a taste of what Boot Camp is all about. Just look at what members have been saying:

Boot Camp has really been a great help for me on my journey to the new, skinnier me! I love all the feedback and […]


Support: How to Load, or How Not to Load – That is the Question

Support: How to Load, or How Not to Load – That is the Question

Change is the only constant. ~ Proverb

I hope your sitting down, this is going to be long.


I am going to ask only that you consider a change in view.  Let me explain.

But first, let me offer a caveat to explain my position.  I believe with all my inner being that if you follow The hCG Protocol exactly as written in Pounds and Inches by Dr. Simeons, you are guaranteed success.  I also believe that there have been a few acceptable changes that have proven successful in the six-plus decades since he wrote his manuscript … so consider […]


Recipe: Biz’s Confetti Coleslaw

Recipe: Biz’s Confetti Coleslaw

I love food that takes forever to eat.  This is one of those foods.

Because of all the crunching you have to do, even just a small amount takes forever to eat.  It’s perfect if you are trying to do a raw day, and let’s not discount the fact that it’s pretty food.  Look at all those colors!!!

Pretty food that tastes good, raw, and high fat…can’t beat it.  Oh yeah.

Just a note.  The bacon is supposed to be put on the slaw just before you eat it, it will have a tendency to get a little soggy if you don’t.  The […]


Recipe: Spanish Cream

Recipe: Spanish Cream

When I was growing up, this was ALWAYS in the fridge.  It is one of those things you never get tired of.  Recently I found out that some type of meringue is a staple for many cultures.  Most cultures will have some sort of meringue as a normal after dinner snack.  This is no exception.  My Mom tells me that it’s from Portugal, but couldn’t find verification of that?  HA!

When Googling around to see if gelatin was an OK Phase 3 food, I came across this fascinating article.  It’s quite long, so if you want the […]


Recipe: Cauliflower Cheese Soup

Recipe: Cauliflower Cheese Soup

Who doesn’t love soup?

This one is so simple and totally yummy!  And it’s one of those recipes when I can’t find anything else to eat in the house, I usually have these ingredients on hand anyway, so I throw it together.

Cauliflower Cheese Soup
6 servings

15 minutes prep
55 minutes start to finish

3 tbsp butter
1 sweet onion, diced
1 head cauliflower chopped (or one bag of frozen)
4 cups chicken broth
1.5 cups sharp cheddar, shredded (or your favorite kind)
sea salt to taste
cracked pepper to taste
cayenne to taste, optional only if you like it spicy
green onion as garnish if desired

Don’t be too particular with chopping, […]


Support: My Top 9 Favorite High Fat Foods

Support: My Top 9 Favorite High Fat Foods

There is nothing wrong with change, if it is in the right direction. ~ Winston Churchill

The world of high fat eating is only now becoming more and more acceptable after years and years of propaganda against anything with even just a trace of healthy fat.

It’s been almost 5 years since we ran the now famous (well, it’s famous in my own mind!) High Fat Experiment at HTA, and only recently do I see a ton of FAMOUS (low-carber) people willing to jump on this bandwagon.

The low carb community always knew the value of having MORE healthy fats in the diet, […]
