Topic: Article

Five Things to Remember About hCG Protocol Phase 3

Five Things to Remember About hCG Protocol Phase 3

Phase 3 (P3) is the critical time period following the hCG Protocol weight loss phase. The idea is to lock in weight loss by creating a stabilizing environment keeping one’s body within two pounds for three weeks thus establishing a new set point.

I want to emphatically emphasize Phase 3 is the most important segment of the protocol.


Too many disregard Phase 3 thinking they are done with eating strictly. However, without diligent careful Phase 3 observance, weight may be quickly re-gained as many return to their old way of eating. P3 is the vital transitional phase not only stabilizing one’s body, […]


Make Decisions From Where You Want to Be!

Make Decisions From Where You Want to Be!

Are you making decisions from where you are, or where you want to be? ~ Christine Kane

Previously, I wrote an article regarding a decision making system. As a quick refresher, here are the steps:

  • Define the challenge
  • Do the research
  • Evaluate the alternatives
  • Make the decision
  • Just do it
  • Review

The quote above aptly describes the guiding thought process behind it. This truly powerful approach helped me change my outlook on life.

In early 2010, while taking a program by Christine Kane, I first became aware of that concept. She spent an entire week on decision making, devoting one whole day to this one thought: make decisions […]


The Scientific Method of Nutrition

The Scientific Method of Nutrition

There is no such thing as a failed experiment, only experiments with unexpected outcomes. ~ Richard Buckminster Fuller

When it comes to nutrition, I am notorious for conducting experiments.

I scour the internet daily to see what new studies have been released; who has a new regimen for weight loss, and any new information on how our bodies work with the fuel we call food.

I receive hundreds of subscriber list emails which include information on anything and everything body-mind-spirit related to creating a healthier body.

I scan everything. It’s my job and I love it! ::giggle::

When something tickles my fancy, I hone in […]


Create a Paradigm Shift by Asking Questions

Create a Paradigm Shift by Asking Questions

The one who asks questions doesn’t lose his way. ~ African Proverb

More than likely, you grew up thinking if you do the right things (went on a diet), you would have what you desired (a body weighing 120 pounds) and you would be the person you dreamed you’d become: (healthy, thin, happy, fun, loving, self-confident, empowered, etc).

Unfortunately, it is not a simple equation of do equals desired result. You are living proof that doing the so called right things don’t always lead to the coveted prize. Most of us work from a do-have-be mindset described in the first paragraph and […]


2015 Word of the Year: Harvest

2015 Word of the Year:  Harvest

We must give more in order to get more. It is the generous giving of ourselves that produces the generous harvest. ~ Orison Swett Marden

I don’t know about you, but for me, December usually means one thing … reflection.

It’s the time of year I tend to spend reviewing any progress I have made during the year starting with intentions I made way back in January.

I use the month to check in with myself.  Am I still heading toward my ultimate purpose, or do I need to adjust my rudder getting myself back on course.

For the past several years, I […]


Be the Captain of Your Own Ship

Be the Captain of Your Own Ship

A ship is safe in harbor, but that’s not what ships are for. ~ William G.T. Shedd

Sometimes it is wise to go with the flow.

The crux is it depends on which direction the flow is going.

While there are numerous examples of going with the flow, let’s consider the one involving our weight control journey. If we are going with the typical American diet flow, we are on our way to becoming obese, living a sedentary life, and then dying of either heart disease, cancer, diabetes or some sort of obesity associated illness.

Ask yourself if this is the result you are […]


The Beginner’s Mind

The Beginner’s Mind

Whoever becomes simple and elemental again, like this child, will rank high in God’s kingdom. ~ Matthew 18:3 (MSG)

Bear with me … you will understand the reference as you read.

I find it fascinating so much of what I read, whether it is about nutrition, business, or self-improvement, all centers around some pretty basic concepts. In other words, there is nothing new under the sun.

Awhile back I read a book entitled It’s Not About the Money by Brent Kessel. In this book, the author proclaims for there to be lasting change in one’s financial situation, there has to be a […]


Adjusting the Rudder

Adjusting the Rudder

A soul without a high aim is like a ship without a rudder. ~ Eileen Caddy

I tell my clients, quite often in fact, you are the captain, and I am simply the rudder.

What does that mean?

Let’s explore the meaning by first talking about success and failure.

During the course of our lives, we may consider ourselves one or the other.  To be honest, we may not come right out saying I am successful, or I am a failure.  However, we may consider certain parts of our lives have resulted in us feeling great joy, or maybe guilt and shame.

The difference between […]
