
hCG Success: Marla

hCG Success: Marla

I lost a lot of weight before I met Biz, over 100 pounds.

But then I REALLY struggled during P3 and P4.  Maintaining that weight loss was HARD!

Biz let me email her anytime and even text her when I was away from my computer. She encouraged me. She got me back on track when I fell off the wagon. She “held my hand” many times when I whined and talked poorly about myself. She not only taught me what foods could work with my body, but she taught me how to be nice to myself and stop putting myself down.

I […]


Support: In the Zone

Support: In the Zone

Techniques for getting in the zone differ a little bit depending on whether it’s a team or an individual sport. Nevertheless, there are some core techniques that everyone can use. ~ Aynsley M. Smith

The phrase “In the Zone” is often used when people talk about the skills of pro athletes who make their feats look effortless. It’s also used when people talk about weight loss that seems to happen like magic.

But, what does “being in the zone” mean exactly?

When a person is in the zone, they are in that magical space where the mind and body are in sync. It’s […]


hCG Success: Karen-Updated

hCG Success: Karen-Updated

Karen has shared her success earlier here.  This is an update.

I’ve been working with Biz with 1:1 coaching since December 2011.

I’d recently been thinking that it was time for me to head off on my own.  I’ve done this long enough and certainly I know enough to keep losing weight and/or keep my weight in check.

So there you have it.  I emailed Biz and gave her the news.  There was no pleading or begging to stay with her … just “make sure you have some sort of support and accountability in place.”  Again, I’d done […]


hCG Success: Carmen

hCG Success: Carmen

I was going to do whatever it took to make Biz my coach!

I was first introduced to hCG several years ago via my Gynecologist.  hCG worked great for me to get the weight OFF but after several rounds of being unable to stabilize, it was discouraging to say the least!

I had thought about coaching with Biz for a long time before I made the decision to enlist her help.  I decided that 2013 was my year. I was going to do whatever it took to make Biz my coach. 🙂

It was one of the best decisions that I have made […]


Support: Stalls Happen and What to Do About Them

Support: Stalls Happen and What to Do About Them

I am going to talk about stalls that happen on Phase 2 of The hCG Protocol.

Yup, stalls happen.  Nothing could be more frustrating than being on a very restrictive diet, doing everything right, and then to be at the same weight for 3 or 4 days in a row.  Bah humbug!

The first thing you need to realize is that you are not alone.  Everyone I have ever coached using The hCG Protocol for weight loss has had to deal with a stall at one point or another.  During Dr. Simeons extensive testing period, in which he penned his manuscript More

hCG Success: Sherri

hCG Success: Sherri

Having you for a coach has been like having a chef in my kitchen helping me to keep my choices clean and an angel on my shoulder praising my successes and reminding me of the bigger picture…which is all about health as much as it is about slimming down.

Having your insights and guidance at critical points (like after an over-indulgence) was exactly what I needed to keep me going. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that getting enough fat into my diet would be the problem. I am still learning this concept.

The entire time I was doing […]


Support: Just One of Many “Pattern Interrupt” Techniques

Support: Just One of Many “Pattern Interrupt” Techniques

Not too long ago, I wrote an article on a process called Pattern Interrupt.

This morning, I shared one of my own most used pattern interrupt techniques with one of my clients.  This particular client has more than the usual temptations to go off plan at her job because she is a delectable treat creator, and a dang good one at that.

Allow me to give you a little back story about one of my favorite pattern interrupt techniques (because that is how I am).


I was born and raised in Hawaii.  In case you didn’t know, Hawaii is […]


Nutritional Support: Coconut Oil

Nutritional Support: Coconut Oil

Before I even start this article, I will say up front, this will not be an article talking about Coconut Oil on P2 – I am still on the fence, and as long as that is the case, I don’t feel right about writing something that will be permanent in cyberspace.

I know you all are dying to know, but sorry, just not ready.

This article will be discussing more about the benefits of Coconut Oil on maintenance, which includes both P3 and P4.

Coconut Oil is a saturated fat made up of medium chain fatty acids (this will be important to […]
