
Support: The Importance of Fruits and Veggies on The hCG Protocol

Support: The Importance of Fruits and Veggies on The hCG Protocol

It’s bizarre that the produce manager is more important to my children’s health than the pediatrician.   ~ Meryl Streep

Ain’t it the truth?

I am reminded of the quote from Hippocrates:

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”

That is true on our weight control journey and in our day-to-day lifetime maintenance, but no less the truth for how we should eat while on The hCG Protocol.

There is a sentence in Pounds and Inches that sometimes people feel gives them carte blanche in regards to what you MUST eat (or rather NOT eat) while on P2 (found More

Recipe: Bombs of Fat

Recipe: Bombs of Fat

The beauty of living the high fat way of life is that hunger is seldom an issue, and energy is in abundance, that sometimes you just forget to eat.

I know, unreal right?

But seriously, not eating is really NOT an option when you are doing high fat.  High fat works better when you are not starving yourself, but instead, giving your body the energy it needs to serve you well.

That is why these little things are so incredibly awesome on a high fat way of life.  It provides in just a little package everything that you would need to move on […]


Recipe: Paleo Carrot Muffins

Recipe: Paleo Carrot Muffins

What is Paleo anyway?

If you look around the internet, you are going to find a whole host of definitions. But for simplicity sake, consider it basically this:

Meat + Veggie (Fruits in Moderation) + Fat + Herbs/Spices = Happy Paleo

I am not fond of the Paleo lifestyle, preferring more of a Primal outlook, this is a subject for another day, the whole Paleo vs Primal thing.

In any case, I was sent this recipe by a client asking me to give it a shot.  For something that is non-grain, gluten-free, they were pretty darn tasty … if you can get […]


Support: Going Rogue with The hCG Protocol

Support: Going Rogue with The hCG Protocol

Effective leaders help others to understand the necessity of change and to accept a common vision of the desired outcome. ~ John Kotter

When I was first introduced to this miracle that is The hCG Protocol and I started my first round, I was a purist.  I wanted to follow Dr. Simeons’ instructions to a “T”, not deviating from it in the least.

Well … I have to add a caveat … I did my first round under a clinics care so I did do some things a little differently.  HOWEVER, the food was as written in Pounds and Inches.

In […]


Recipe: Bacon and Tomato Dip

Recipe: Bacon and Tomato Dip

What isn’t good with bacon in it?


This dip is actually better at room temp, after it has been chilled for several hours to let the flavors meld.


Bacon Tomato Dip
8 servings

15 minutes prep
2 hours and 15 minutes start to finish

1 cup sour cream
1/2 cup mayonnaise
4 oz cream cheese, room temperature
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp fresh cracked pepper
1 tsp horseradish
2 tbsp chopped sweet onions
2 tbsp chopped green onions
1 roma tomato, diced (seeded if possible)
6 slices bacon, cooked, drained, and crumbled

Stir together all ingredients until well mixed. Chill for two hours before serving.

Entire Recipe:

2170 Calories
219g Fat (88% […]


Recipe: Avocado Stuffed with Seafood

Recipe: Avocado Stuffed with Seafood

Ok, so it’s avocado season again. And when I say avocado season, I mean it’s the season where you can pick them up at the store for a dollar a piece. That is a steal of a deal for a meal!

I love avocados just as serving platters, as this recipe attests to. You can do just about anything you want with the stuffing, experiment. Yum, I love the freshness of this recipe.


Avocados Stuffed with Seafood
2 servings

15 minutes prep
30 minutes start to finish

1 4.25oz can crab meat
1 4.25oz can tiny shrimp
4 tbsp peeled and diced cucumber
1 tbsp sweet […]


Support: What is a Course of Treatment on The hCG Protocol?

Support:  What is a Course of Treatment on The hCG Protocol?

Everyone has a ‘risk muscle.’ You keep it in shape by trying new things. If you don’t, it atrophies. Make a point of using it at least once a day. ~ Roger Von Oech

Way back when in early 2007 there was a man that decided to try something new.  In essence, it wasn’t really “new”, but it was a new way of looking at an old thing.  He took a risk.  This man was Kevin Trudeau.  Now before you all go way off on a tangent about this guy, let me explain why I am mentioning him.

Kevin Trudeau took a […]


hCG Success: Darlicia

hCG Success: Darlicia

This spot is reserved for a transcript of the interview held on February 28, 2013.

Until that time, I offer you the picture of her progress:

Biz starts a new cycle ANY Monday. You can always get more information and an application by clicking here.
