
Recipe: Beef and Cabbage Stirfry

Recipe: Beef and Cabbage Stirfry

In my experience, beef on P2 is one of the best ways to maximize losses.  It seems that with most people, choosing  beef as one meal each day helps with consistent lower numbers on the scale.  I cannot explain the phenomenon, I just have seen it happen more often then not.

Remember what Dr. Simeons says about beef in his Pounds and Inches manual under the subheading of Making Up of the Calories:

In America, therefore, low-grade veal should be used for one meal and fish (excluding all those species such as herring, mackerel, […]


Recipe: Marinara Sauce

Recipe: Marinara Sauce

Marinara Sauce on P2 is so incredibly versatile.  It is a staple when I am doing a round.  I especially like it when I make Zoodle Chicken (P2 legal and recipe coming soon).

First, what is a zoodle?  It’s a cute little name someone came up with who knows how long ago that describes making noodles out of zucchini.  Yeah, whoda thunk you could make noodles out of zucchini???

When you are on the Phase 2 portion of The hCG Protocol, you have to get creative.  And this is creative at it’s best!

I have a kitchen tool that is just perfect for […]


Recipe: Shredded Chicken Tacos

Recipe: Shredded Chicken Tacos

My comfort foods of choice on P2 are two categories; I either want Mexican or Asian.  I finally figured out that having lots of spice in your foods make you feel satiated.  And when you are dealing with only 500 calories for the day, you gotta do what you gotta do to make the fullness last.

I don’t know what it is.  Is it the heat that causes you to drink more water so that makes you full?  Or is it just the spice alone?

Seems it’s a little of both, but leans toward the spice itself.

There is actually a study that […]


Recipe: Carolina Coleslaw

Recipe: Carolina Coleslaw

Where I come from (Honolulu, Hawaii) coleslaw was just a mixture of cabbage and vinegar, salt and pepper, and a splash of sugar to take some acidity away.  Tasty, but not very exciting.

When I moved to South Carolina back in the mid 90’s, I was introduced to a most unusual concoction, the Eastern North Carolina Pulled Pork BBQ Sandwich.  I dare say that at first, I felt it looked rather gross, but I was told to give it a try.  Now keep in mind, this was back in the mid 90’s, I didn’t know any better about wheat.  ::giggle::

Who […]


News: Grand Re-Opening of The hCG Shop!!!

News: Grand Re-Opening of The hCG Shop!!!

The hCG Shop is happy to announce the Grand Re-Opening of our site!

This has been a long time coming and we are so happy the time is here for the release!


Our mission is to provide the very best information, supplies, support and stories of success that is available on all things related to The hCG Protocol.  There is so much in store for this site, we hope that you stick around and grow with us!

Stay tuned as our new blog format will be updated frequently with all the happenings that is going on at More

hCG Success: Susan

hCG Success:  Susan

Biz is a terrific source of support and encouragement!

For anyone who has struggled with weight loss in the past, Biz is a terrific source of support and encouragement.

I have tried “going it alone” in the past, and it is a challenge when one doesn’t have a source of support and/or accountability.  Working with Biz has been a real pleasure.  She is an enthusiastic coach with a pleasant personality, she is supportive and non-judgmental, and she knows when to be stern to get someone on the right track.

Specifically, I have lost 40 lbs while working with Biz, and a whole bunch […]


Recipe: Cowboy Caviar

Recipe: Cowboy Caviar

You know what?  I could live on salsa, any type of salsa or dip every day for the rest of my life.  Give me some sort of dip or salsa, some raw veggies and some blue corn chips, and I am a happy camper!!!  Do you know how many dips and salsas there are in the world?  I could probably try one a day and still never touch the sheer amount of variety!  (This is just a sample!)

This one I came across simply by accident one day.  I had a can of black beans and a […]


Support: Limbo

Support: Limbo

Limbo is defined as: an intermediate, transitional, or midway state or place.

That really fits for that time period in between your finishing of a Phase 2 portion of The hCG Protocol and the beginning of the Phase 3 portion.  Your not really encouraged to lose weight during this time frame, it’s just a period of transition until you start eating semi-regular again.

Let’s establish exactly what we are talking about by going to the source, Pounds and Inches by Dr. A.T.W. Simeons, under Plan of a Normal Course:

After 3rd injection, 500 calorie diet […]
